The association “INCLUSIA, people – as we are” awards the prize “INCLUSIA – award for outstanding inclusion projects”. 2020 and 2021 no prize will be awarded. Till 2018 school classes, youth groups, after-school care groups, kindergartens, individuals (up to 25 years old) or associations could be awarded with the prize "INCLUSIA" for outstanding projects for the inclusion of people with mental or multiple disabilities. Since 2019 only participating school classes at INCLUSIA can be awarded with this prize.

Till 2018 the prize “INCLUSIA” has been announced in Austria and its surrounding countries. The submitted projects have been assessed by an independent jury. Since 2019 the winners are drawn by chance. The juristiction of the courts is excluded.

The prize winners will be awarded in Klagenfurt during a gala (in German only).

The prize INCLUSIA 2024 was awarded to:

prize of the Kelag (€ 750) to 6cr, Ingeborg-Bachmann-Gymnasium, Klagenfurt

prize of the Kärntner Sparkasse (€ 750) to 3e, BRG Viktring, Klagenfurt

prize of the Mayor of the City of Klagenfurt (€ 750) to 2ab, zweisprachige HAK/TAK, Klagenfurt

prize of the social department of the province of Kärnten/Carinthia, K-LEP (€ 750) to 5aeb, BRG Viktring, Klagenfurt


The prize INCLUSIA 2023 was awarded to:

prize of the Kelag (€ 750) to 7cr, Ingeborg-Bachmann-Gymnasium, Klagenfurt

prize of the Kärntner Sparkasse (€ 750) to 3dr, Ingeborg-Bachmann-Gymnasium, Klagenfurt

prize of the Mayor of the City of Klagenfurt (€ 750) to Adventistische Privatschule Mittelschule, Klagenfurt


The prize INCLUSIA 2022 was awarded to:

prize of the Kelag (€ 750) to Adventistische Privatschule Volksschule, Klagenfurt

prize of the Kärntner Sparkasse (€ 750) to Adventistische Privatschule Mittelschule, Klagenfurt

prize of the Mayor of the City of Klagenfurt (€ 750) to 6a, ORG St. Ursula, Klagenfurt


The prize INCLUSIA 2019 was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG (€ 1.000,-) to 2a, NMS 10, Klagenfurt

prizeof the Kärntner Sparkasse (€ 1.000,-) to 2d, Europagymnasium, Klagenfurt

prizeof the Kärntner Landtag (€ 1.000,-) to 2a, Ingeborg-Bachmann-Gymnasium, Klagenfurt

prize of the Kleine Zeitung (€ 1.000,-) to 1a, Ingeborg-Bachmann-Gymnasium, Klagenfurt

The prize "INCLUSIA 2018" was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Gorilla Österreich, Tirol, project "Für mehr Uga Uga im Leben"

prize of the Kärntner Sparkasse (€ 750,-) awarded to Laufgemeinsachft Südkärnten, Kärnten, project "Südkärntner Lebenslauf"

prize of the Kärntner Landtag (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Krapina-Zagorje county, Croatia, project "Baltazar"


The prize "INCLUSIA 2017" was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Alpenvereinsjugend, Österreichischer Alpenverein Innsbruck, Tirol, project "Team Insieme"

prize of the Kärntner Sparkasse (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Verein für originelle Inklusion, Wien, project "VOI fesch"

prize of the Kärntner Landtag (€ 1.000,-) awarded to BG Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, project "Mobilitätsprojekt Inklusion durch Förderung der eigenständigen Mobilität"

prize of the Kleine Zeitung (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Jauntaler Schwimmteam Gradnik, Gallizen, Kärnten, project "Gemeinsam gegen den Strom schwimmen"

The prize "INCLUSIA 2016" was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Schule für Sozialbetreuungsberufe, Caritasverband, Salzburg, project "Inklusive Ausbildung in der Fach-Sozial-Hilfe und Heim-Hilfe"

prize of the Kleine Zeitung (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Polytechnische Schule, Villach, Carinthia, project "Brücken"

prize of the Kärntner Landtag (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Kompetenznetzwerk KI-I, Bereich Proqualis, Linz, Upper Austria, project "Forschungsteam mit Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten als SozialforscherInnen"

The prize "INCLUSIA 2015" was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Grabocha Gruabnteufl, Steinfeld/Drautal, Carinthia, project "Achtung! Krampus ohne Rute überrollt euch!"

prize of the D.A.S. (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Lernwerkstatt Donaustadt, Vienna, project "Kleines Leben ganz groß"

prize of the Kärntner Landtag (Local Parliament of Carinthia, € 1.000,-) awarded to Schulheim Mäder, Mäder, Vorarlberg, project "Seniorenhock im Schulheim Mäder"


The prize "INCLUSIA 2014" was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Offene Jugendarbeit, Bludenz, Vorarlberg, project "Villa K."

prize of the Grünen im Kärntner Landtag (€ 750,-) awarded to Private Schule Elisabethinum, Axams, Tyrol, project "Inklusive Schulklasse – eine Schule für alle"

prize of the Landesschulrat für Kärnten (€ 300,-) awarded to SPZ Holzhausergasse, Vienna, project "Inclusion2.0 – fake or reality?"

prize of the assiciation INCLUSIA (€ 300,-) awarded to Wiener Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen, Gruppe 5 "Berg Karmel", Vienna, project "Individuen an Bord!"


The prize "INCLUSIA 2013" was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG (€ 1.000,-) awarded to Osnovna Šola Brinje Grosuplje, Slovenia, project "Rotkäppchen"

prize of the Kleinen Zeitung (€ 1.000,-) awarded to SfS Gutenberg / Expositur Maria Saal (1. & 2.Klasse), Maria Saal, Carinthia, project "Der fette Lukas - ein nonverbales Theaterstück"

prize of the Grünen in Kärnten (€ 700,-) awarded to Evangelisches Montessori ORG Grödig, Salzburg, project "Inklusion in der Sekundarstufe II – Bildung ist ein Menschenrecht FÜR ALLE"

prize of one anonymous donator and the association INCLUSIA (€ 500,-) awarded to NoLimit-Band, Klagenfurt, Carinthia


The prize "INCLUSIA 2012" and € 1.500,- prize money for each winner was awarded to:

prize of the KELAG awarded to SPZ Lustenau, Vorarlberg, project „stricken statt sprühen!“

prize of the Grünen in Kärnten awarded to NMS / Europaschule, Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria, project „Musik verbindet uns“

prize of the Alps-Adriatic Working Community awarded to Osnovna Šola IV, Murska Sobota, Slovenia, project „Die Schneekönigin”

prize of the Kleine Zeitung awarded to 7. Klasse der SFS Seebach, Carinthia, project „Brücken. bauen. überwinden“


The prize "INCLUSIA 2011" and € 1.500,- prize money for each winner was awarded to:

Verein Karl Schubert Schule Wien, Vienna, project „Du brauchst mich“ (prize of the Governor of Carinthia)

Osnovna Šola IV Murska Sobota, Slovenia, project „Wir schenken Glück“ (prize of the Governor of Carinthia)

Paul-Kraemer-Schule Frechen, Germany, project „Einkauf für Sie!“ (prize of the Kleine Zeitung and one anonymous donator)

Faschingsgilde Steinfeld an der Drau, Carinthia, project „Fasching? – Do seima OLLE dabei…?“ (prize of the KELAG)

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